Entries by Oakville Dental

Lets talk about veneers

What is dental veneer? Considering the cost, veneers have become more common in dentistry. Two types are available, Porcelain or composite resin (direct or indirect), one is more expensive than the other. Porcelain veneers are a little pricier than composites however last longer, approximately 10- 15 years and both of these options have different price […]

Most common sources of sugar kids consume

Most common sources of sugar kids consume Are our kids having too much sugar? Even in the snacks we think are healthy?  Statistics released by public health  show increasing rates in tooth decay in younger children. As good as it tastes unfortunately sugar does have unfavorable effects on our health, especially teeth. Studies show children […]

Different types of dentists

Different types of dentists Dentists are professionals how manage and take care of oral health issues including mouth problems and teeth problems. As any other profession, there are different types of dentists that perform different tasks. Here are a guideline that you will find useful to differentiate between different dentists. A general dentist is a […]

Three factors to consider when choosing a new dentist

Choosing a dentist is an important decision and deserves as much time and dedication as you would put towards finding a doctor or, heck, your YouTube browsing.  The point here is that you need to remember that finding a dentist is going to be easy, but finding the right dentist is going to take some […]

4 common oral conditions after ago of 55

4 common oral conditions after ago of 55 As you age, a lot of things start to change about your daily life, including your routine in terms of cleaning.  You’ll also find that you may be prone to having more problems with your health as you age, so here are some tips and bits of […]

Top reasons for tooth sensitivity

Top 7 reasons for tooth sensitivity    Does eating or drinking anything cold make you say “ouch” or do you find yourself cringing when you’re brushing or flossing? You most likely have whats known as tooth sensitivity. The good news is that you don’t have to put up with the pain, in fact there are many […]