Entries by Oakville Dental

The effects of cigarettes inside the mouth

CIGARETTES AND ORAL HEALTH What are the effects? There are no positive effects on your oral health from smoking tobacco. Cigarette use over prolonged periods of time, and depending on the person, will discolor the teeth, cause bad breath constantly, cause cavities, a hairy tongue, loss of jaw bone matter, alter your sense of smell […]

Top drinks that cause yellow teeth

Why do my teeth turn Yellow ? Yellowness of the teeth doesn’t make us look or feel all that attractive. Individuals with yellow teeth avoid smiling or tend to feel socially embarrassed to show their teeth. In this article, the causes of yellow teeth explained, top foods and drinks that causes yellow teeth are highlighted and prevention of […]

5 five causes for bad breath

5 five causes for bad breath You can brush your teeth regularly and still have it. What gives? Well, there are different causes for bad breath. Here are the Top 5 Causes- the most common causes of bad breath, so you can work to prevent and treat it at the source for better breath all […]

10 tips to prevent baby bottle decay

Baby Bottle Decay Even though baby teeth are temporary, those teeth are important- and are susceptible to cavities.  Tooth decay in infants and toddlers is referred to as “Baby Bottle Decay,” or “Early Childhood Caries”. Some people call it baby cavities. Children need healthy and strong teeth to chew their food, to talk, and to have a great […]

Should i seek out a dentist for teeth whitening in Oakville?

Should i seek out a dentist for teeth whitening in Oakville, ON? Your smile is one of your most noticeable facial features. Everyone has the hope that their smile will be perfect to compliment other facial features. For most people, there will come a time in your life where you smile lacks the appearance it […]


Teeth grinding: causes and treatments WHY DO I GRIND MY TEETH WHEN I’M ASLEEP? If you find yourself waking up to a sore jaw, or a headache, you may be suffering from bruxism. It’s the grinding and clenching of teeth. Bruxism can cause teeth to become loose, painful, and sometimes parts of the teeth are literally […]

Teeth grinding: causes and treatments

Teeth grinding: causes and treatments WHY DO I GRIND MY TEETH WHEN I’M ASLEEP? If you find yourself waking up to a sore jaw, or a headache, you may be suffering from bruxism. It’s the grinding and clenching of teeth. Bruxism can cause teeth to become loose, painful, and sometimes parts of the teeth are literally […]

Salt water mouth rinsing

SALT WATER MOUTH RINSING   Salt water mouth rinsing is useful for several good reasons. It’s a great option for anyone with a sore throat, lesions on their gums, or who may have recently underwent dental procedures. Salt water mouth rinsing doesn’t act as a stand-in for our modern dental hygiene, but it can be an […]