One of the biggest concerns in children’s dentistry is cavities, cavities are the most common childhood disease. Fortunately, your dentist understands the risks of getting cavities and also understands the certain areas that these cavities will develop in the mouth. Dr. Max will create a plan for you and your family to prevent cavities from occurring.

dental sealants

We know that brushing and flossing are crucial in the prevention of cavities in children, but there are additional factors to consider. Not only do we educate and demonstrate proper technique for oral hygiene, we also offer specific treatments that aid in reducing the risk of cavities. Some of these techniques include fluoride treatments and dental sealants.

Dental sealants are designed to minimize the risk of cavities on teeth that have deep pits and grooves on the chewing surface. The earlier these sealants can be placed on the teeth the better a child’s chance of reducing the risk of cavities. The problem with these deep grooves on the teeth is that they can easily trap tiny particles of food. Because of the deep grooves it makes it harder to clean all the debris that has built up in these spaces. Where there is debris, there will be bacteria which will eventually weaken the teeth and cause a cavity.

With one visit which will include a professional dental cleaning, sealant material can be applied to the deep grooves on the teeth. After the sealant material is applied, a special light is used to harden the material. Studies have shown that sealants inhibit the accumulation of debris on the teeth which will reduce the chance of getting a cavity. With regular care, the sealants can last many years.

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are a wonderful preventive measure against cavities. With daily brushing and flossing sealants increase protection from bacteria and their acidic byproduct. Oral hygiene remains important even with sealants and we encourage our patients to stay on top of their healthy habits.

Bronte Road Family Dental provides a gentle and friendly environment for you and your family. Call our office today to book your family’s check up. 905-465-0026